Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hello World

Welcome to Mobile Tech Fan a site for lovers of mobile devices. My plan is to update this site weekly with opinion articles about the latest devices. I am a big fan of UMPCs and handheld computers. To this day it blows my mind how a handheld device has much more power than my first computer a Commodore 64.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the site.

My Tech Childhood

Let me start out by saying that I have been interested in computers from a very early age. One of the biggest benefits growing up was most students did their assignments using handwriting and I just couldn't do that. I would get marked down for my bad handwriting. To overcome this problem I used the computer to do those assignments. So sitting in school I always wanted to have a computer that I could use.

My first computer was a Commodore 64 handed down to me by my father. He upgraded to an IBM compatible so I got the leftover. But I had a great time with the Commodore 64, the biggest benefit is all the pirated video games I had. I used to play games like jumpman, spy hunter, and kung fu master. An interesting thing about that age was my father created learning programs that I would run to work on my math skills. He would also teach me basic programming, before I could play video games I would have to read a chapter of basic programming. This is a nice technique that I may do if I ever have kids.

My first mobile computer was also a Commodore. It was a Commodore sx64 which was a huge and heavy device. Needless to say I didn't take it anywhere. So grammer school was my Commodore 64 years then came the Macintosh years. From jr. high to college I used a Macintosh IIcx. It also was a wonderful device. At a time when people were still using dos I was using a G.U.I. and it was sweet. My uncle gave it to my family and of course I was the one using it. It only took my uncle a few minutes to teach my brother and I how to use it. Didn't have to learn any commands just had to move and click a mouse device.