Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh my gosh!

This new Nokia n800 is an amazing device. It is so much better than my old 770. I now have the urge to leave my laptop at home and surf only from my Nokia tablet. I had talked about the many issues with the 770 I had in the past so there is no need to go over them. But a big one happened today. I installed Ereader. This has always been the mobile killer app for me. Now I have an internet tablet that I can use offline. I will also install bejeweled. This device blows me away. I do feel like I am surfing the web in the palm of my hand now. The first thing I did was try out YouTube and the quality is amazing. I tried the 2007OS and thought it was great. But 2008 is amazing. I love being able to use two sd card slots. I do have a few little issues. I do wish I got the n810's slide out keyboard. I also wish I could remap the "j" button to the down arrow for use in google reader. Is there any way to have the down button page down instead of running through the links?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Took The Plunge

I can't believe that I did it but I did. I bought a Nokia n800. I was a big fan of the Nokia 770 and I wanted to get a newer one. I thought of the n810 but I wanted to save some money. The n800 is at an incredible price a little above $200. I paid about $250 after tax and shipping. I had four issues with my Nokia 770. I couldn't read Digg easily. I couldn't use a thumb drive. I couldn't use Ereader. I couldn't watch YouTube videos. All of these issues have been fixed. The Nokia 800 is cheap. I just couldn't resist. I really wanted to save my money for a new Samsung Q1 but I have a laptop now and it is sweet. I could play all of my video games on it. So I can't wait to receive my new toy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Looks like there is some more information about he eeetv. Yea I made up that name.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Eeepc the perfect umpc

Recently Otto Berkes posted in his blog about how the Eeepc hits the sweet spot. I happen to agree with him. Price is always the most important factor in all purchases. With the Eeepc hitting such a low price brings umpc devices into the public view. I am constantly thinking of getting one just for the fun of it. I think 2008 will be the year we see a few more Eeepc type devices. My hope is that just one company makes a tablet and allows me to have the companion computer I have have been searching for.