Friday, February 22, 2008

Took The Plunge

I can't believe that I did it but I did. I bought a Nokia n800. I was a big fan of the Nokia 770 and I wanted to get a newer one. I thought of the n810 but I wanted to save some money. The n800 is at an incredible price a little above $200. I paid about $250 after tax and shipping. I had four issues with my Nokia 770. I couldn't read Digg easily. I couldn't use a thumb drive. I couldn't use Ereader. I couldn't watch YouTube videos. All of these issues have been fixed. The Nokia 800 is cheap. I just couldn't resist. I really wanted to save my money for a new Samsung Q1 but I have a laptop now and it is sweet. I could play all of my video games on it. So I can't wait to receive my new toy.

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