Friday, April 18, 2008


I guess that not every device is perfect and the Nokia n800 is no different. I can ready ebooks great. I can surf the web just like I am using a desktop. I can even watch youtube videos and see web pages that use flash. My Nokia N800 is a wonderful device. I even named her Lara and have a wallpaper of Lara Croft on the background.

But the one thing that the N800 fails miserably at is video. I cannot for the life of me get any dive video that I download on the internet to run with a good framerate. My best results were with Mplayer but the video just doesnt cut it. I feel like I am watching a dubbed movie. So other than the lousy video quality I still love this device.

I just bought a mobile keyboard and I cant wait to start using it. I will be able to type on my tablet wherever I go. Oh just to inform you this post is typed entirely on a keyboard attached to Lara using an OTG adapter. I really enjoy being a mobile tech geek.

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