Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Mobile Gripe

There is one thing that really annoys me about reading tech articles. It is the constant talk about flying on a plane. I consider myself a poor person but in reality I think I do ok. I make about the national average. I only ride a plane once a year to visit my girlfriend's family. So I don't consider myself a mobile person. I wake up, commute to work, work 9 hours, commute home, and sleep. This is not a mobile lifestyle.

I really don't need a mobile device. I have always had a computer at work and at home. Even when I was in college I didn't really need a mobile device since they had computer labs. I would bet that the majority of people live this way.

So I think writers should write about how a normal working person would use mobile devices. I guess everyone doesn't have an office job but I bet it would be more common than business travelers.

So after all this griping I would like to say I love mobile devices. They aren't a necessity for me but they enhance my life. My Handspring Visor was very helpful in college in tracking my classes and assignments. I loved being able to surf on my couch with my Q1 and 770. For me mobile devices are very fun.

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