Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I can tell you right now that my next purchase will be the Eeepc 900. It seems to be the perfect device for me. It has enough power to do basic web browsing and the screen is large enough to watch videos on. Heck its the same size at those portable dvd players. Those portable dvd player cases are great for holding the Eeepc, I might get one of those also. I love the size, the power, and the fact I can install windows xp on it.

As much as I love tablets I don't I will be using them anymore. I finished college so I don't have to take notes. I also don't spend too much time in long boring meetings. I just need a device that I can watch videos and surf the web at lunch. Maybe a little gaming.

The big decision is whether to buy the version that has xp on it or go for the larger hard drive. I am leaning toward the hard drive but I only have one copy of xp and it is installed on my laptop. I anxiously await the day I can go online and purchase the wonderful Eeepc 900.

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