Friday, March 21, 2008


I have been moving this week and I found myself in an interesting position. I took the day off from work to wait for the washing machine to come in and we haven't moved in yet. So there were no seats or tables in my new place. Just a bunch of boxes. There was no internet and unluckily the power company was working on the power lines. So there was no electricity. But I did come prepared. I brought one chair, a foldable table, and my laptop. The night before I downloaded some DL.TV and Tekzilla so I had some entertainment. The battery lasts about 2 and a half hours if I don't play any video games. So there I was sitting all morning with a table, chair, and my laptop. But since I am into mobile technology I had entertainment and made the best of a bad situation. Lucky for me I only had to wait two hours. I snapped a lousy quality picture of my little workstation on my phone. I guess it was just another situation made bearable my mobile tech.

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