Friday, April 18, 2008


I guess that not every device is perfect and the Nokia n800 is no different. I can ready ebooks great. I can surf the web just like I am using a desktop. I can even watch youtube videos and see web pages that use flash. My Nokia N800 is a wonderful device. I even named her Lara and have a wallpaper of Lara Croft on the background.

But the one thing that the N800 fails miserably at is video. I cannot for the life of me get any dive video that I download on the internet to run with a good framerate. My best results were with Mplayer but the video just doesnt cut it. I feel like I am watching a dubbed movie. So other than the lousy video quality I still love this device.

I just bought a mobile keyboard and I cant wait to start using it. I will be able to type on my tablet wherever I go. Oh just to inform you this post is typed entirely on a keyboard attached to Lara using an OTG adapter. I really enjoy being a mobile tech geek.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I have recently come into possession of some html ebooks and I wanted to see if I could give FBreader a try. I am a ebook junkie and every time I look for a new device I look to see if eReader is available for it. Having support for ereader was a serious factor when I was deciding whither to buy the n800.

I did have a difficult time installing the program cause the site was down at the time. But I found the Google group of the software and discovered an alternate location to download the file.

When the program was up and running I loaded a book up and started reading. The default reading settings were horrible. Each time I went to page down the book would only scroll one line. So I went on to google and found a great article at This wonderful article showed the basics of FBreader.

After I cleaned up the settings I was a happy camper. The program works great with a few kinks. Occasionally the program will continuously page down until I press page up. Also there is no support for bookmarks. Which would be great considering FBreader lost my place when I first ran the program.

FBreader is not perfect but is a good program. I can't wait until they add bookmark support. Now I just have to figure out what format to save my ebooks in.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I can tell you right now that my next purchase will be the Eeepc 900. It seems to be the perfect device for me. It has enough power to do basic web browsing and the screen is large enough to watch videos on. Heck its the same size at those portable dvd players. Those portable dvd player cases are great for holding the Eeepc, I might get one of those also. I love the size, the power, and the fact I can install windows xp on it.

As much as I love tablets I don't I will be using them anymore. I finished college so I don't have to take notes. I also don't spend too much time in long boring meetings. I just need a device that I can watch videos and surf the web at lunch. Maybe a little gaming.

The big decision is whether to buy the version that has xp on it or go for the larger hard drive. I am leaning toward the hard drive but I only have one copy of xp and it is installed on my laptop. I anxiously await the day I can go online and purchase the wonderful Eeepc 900.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I have been moving this week and I found myself in an interesting position. I took the day off from work to wait for the washing machine to come in and we haven't moved in yet. So there were no seats or tables in my new place. Just a bunch of boxes. There was no internet and unluckily the power company was working on the power lines. So there was no electricity. But I did come prepared. I brought one chair, a foldable table, and my laptop. The night before I downloaded some DL.TV and Tekzilla so I had some entertainment. The battery lasts about 2 and a half hours if I don't play any video games. So there I was sitting all morning with a table, chair, and my laptop. But since I am into mobile technology I had entertainment and made the best of a bad situation. Lucky for me I only had to wait two hours. I snapped a lousy quality picture of my little workstation on my phone. I guess it was just another situation made bearable my mobile tech.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I really love the design of the Gigabyte UMPCs. The Gigabyte M704 is pretty much my ideal UMPC. It has a sliding keyboard and can operate with it closed. The screen has a nice 1024x600 screen so I don't have to scroll sideways when I surf. It also means less issues running programs that don't fit on the 800x600 screen of my old Samsung Q1. When I do get a new UMPC the decision will be between this one and the Samsung Q1. I just wonder what the price of the Gigabyte M704 will be.

Next we have the Gigabyte M700 which has no keyboard but does have integrated 3g for easy access to the internet. If I didn't want a keyboard I would go for this device. It does have a nice 1024x600 screen also. I wonder how the pricing will compare to the M704.

Last we have the Nokia n810 competitior the Gigabyte M528 which is an awsome device. UMPC portal and JKK have some great videos and pics of this device. It has a 4.8-inch 800x480 screen which is larger than the 4.13-inch 800x480 Nokia n810 screen. I have read that the keyboard is even better than the Nokia. The Gigabyte M528 also has specs closer to a umpc. It has 512MB of RAM and a 4GB SSD which blows away the Nokia. It also runs Ubuntu Mobile which seems to be favored over the Maemo platform. It seems we have the first device that might be able to take down the Nokia n810 platform. If they can price it close to the Nokia then we might see a brutal fight on our hands.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


This accessory was another reason I wanted to buy the Nokia n800. It lets me use thumb drives in my Nokia n800. Not only does it allow thumb drives but also allows for the use of usb keyboards. This functionality is something I wish I had in the 770.

These adapters have been around but it is not common to have the OTG functionality. Without the OTG functionality I would have to run some terminal commands. I have never been a big fan of the linux terminal. So this pretty much enables plug and play usb thumbdrives and keyboards.

I found the plug from the Internet Tablet Talk forums. They can be ordered from here. I recommend this to every n800 owner.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Nokia 800 Software

As requested I will tell all the applications that I run on my Nokia 800. I currently only run Garnet VM and under that program I run eReader. I have been using eReader for years and I just love the software. The drm is not annoying at all. I really like being able to read my ebooks on so many different devices.

I have a few minor software programs. MH Shot Tool is a simple program that I use for taking screen shots. I downloaded the camera program so I can use the web cam as a camera. Thats about it for the programs I have installed. I was thinking of installing Bejewled under Garnet. I really love that game. But for the most part the Internet is the killer app for me. I was also thinking of getting myself a keyboard and see if I could do some blogging from my tablet.

I knew I wanted to install the latest OS before I even bought the device. The installation had one litte hickup. It took me two reboots before I could get the tablet in the right mode. But it was quickly fixed. So I installed the 2008 os and boy was I happy. The whole unit seemed snappier. I am really excited to see what the future brings.

I have very simple needs for my Nokia n800.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

HTC Shift

Jkkmobile has a unboxing of the HTC Shift out. Jkk does a great job with this video. I really get a good feel for the device. I have to say that the HTC Shift is the best looking UMPC. It might not have the best specs but it does look like it belongs on Star Trek. I still don't like the resolution and the os of the device. The battery life isn't great either. I do love the slide out keyboard. Version 2.0 is going to dominate the industry. Of course there are those eee priced devices around the corner. 2008 is going to be the year of the UMPC.

Edit: Reggie informed me that the unboxing of the HTC Shift was done by Paul of MoDaCo (, Microsoft MVP for Mobile Devices. Thank you Reggie.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh my gosh!

This new Nokia n800 is an amazing device. It is so much better than my old 770. I now have the urge to leave my laptop at home and surf only from my Nokia tablet. I had talked about the many issues with the 770 I had in the past so there is no need to go over them. But a big one happened today. I installed Ereader. This has always been the mobile killer app for me. Now I have an internet tablet that I can use offline. I will also install bejeweled. This device blows me away. I do feel like I am surfing the web in the palm of my hand now. The first thing I did was try out YouTube and the quality is amazing. I tried the 2007OS and thought it was great. But 2008 is amazing. I love being able to use two sd card slots. I do have a few little issues. I do wish I got the n810's slide out keyboard. I also wish I could remap the "j" button to the down arrow for use in google reader. Is there any way to have the down button page down instead of running through the links?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Took The Plunge

I can't believe that I did it but I did. I bought a Nokia n800. I was a big fan of the Nokia 770 and I wanted to get a newer one. I thought of the n810 but I wanted to save some money. The n800 is at an incredible price a little above $200. I paid about $250 after tax and shipping. I had four issues with my Nokia 770. I couldn't read Digg easily. I couldn't use a thumb drive. I couldn't use Ereader. I couldn't watch YouTube videos. All of these issues have been fixed. The Nokia 800 is cheap. I just couldn't resist. I really wanted to save my money for a new Samsung Q1 but I have a laptop now and it is sweet. I could play all of my video games on it. So I can't wait to receive my new toy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Looks like there is some more information about he eeetv. Yea I made up that name.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Eeepc the perfect umpc

Recently Otto Berkes posted in his blog about how the Eeepc hits the sweet spot. I happen to agree with him. Price is always the most important factor in all purchases. With the Eeepc hitting such a low price brings umpc devices into the public view. I am constantly thinking of getting one just for the fun of it. I think 2008 will be the year we see a few more Eeepc type devices. My hope is that just one company makes a tablet and allows me to have the companion computer I have have been searching for.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do I need a tablet?

So after a year of saving money I was finally able to purchase a laptop. I have been quite happy with the laptop and I am wondering if I need a tablet. I am a large person so carrying around my 17' laptop is not a big issue. Also as I have said before I don't have a real mobile lifestyle. I go work, go home, eat out and sleep. One place I do take my laptop is to my cybercafe I hang out at. I am not a coffee lover so I don't spend much time at Starbucks. I guess the moral of the story is I don't need a tablet but I want one. It is quite difficult to browse the web with at 17' laptop while sitting on my couch. Now the question is which device to buy.

Monday, January 28, 2008

One device that I am dying to get is the HTC Advantage. The device is thin compared to many UMPCs. It runs Windows Mobile which I don't love but I kinda like it. I have read some blog posts at that say how great the device is. All of the reviews have been overwhelming positive. James Kendrick over at made some instant posts while on the CES trade show floor. So I can read ebooks on it, surf using Opera, play all the Windows Mobile games, and always have internet cause it doubles as a phone. This it definitely a device I want to buy. What is keeping me from buying it? Price and screen resolution are my big reasons for not purchasing this device. If I had a gsm carrier and money to burn this device would be mine.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Mobile Gripe

There is one thing that really annoys me about reading tech articles. It is the constant talk about flying on a plane. I consider myself a poor person but in reality I think I do ok. I make about the national average. I only ride a plane once a year to visit my girlfriend's family. So I don't consider myself a mobile person. I wake up, commute to work, work 9 hours, commute home, and sleep. This is not a mobile lifestyle.

I really don't need a mobile device. I have always had a computer at work and at home. Even when I was in college I didn't really need a mobile device since they had computer labs. I would bet that the majority of people live this way.

So I think writers should write about how a normal working person would use mobile devices. I guess everyone doesn't have an office job but I bet it would be more common than business travelers.

So after all this griping I would like to say I love mobile devices. They aren't a necessity for me but they enhance my life. My Handspring Visor was very helpful in college in tracking my classes and assignments. I loved being able to surf on my couch with my Q1 and 770. For me mobile devices are very fun.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Nokia N810

I originally owned the Nokia 770 and I loved the device. Being able to surf the web on a couch was the greatest feeling. I even ran a website just because I liked the device so much. It was the first time I was really able to web surf without a full computer. Palm pilots just never had enough power. As much as I loved it, I had to sell it about 6 months ago. I was having issues paying my mortgage and gadgets were the first things to go. I also sold my Samsung Q1.

The Nokia did have quite a few flaws. It didn't have an ereader client, which I consider to be the killer app fro me. The Nokia didn't support Flash so I couldn't watch youtube. The memory was so limited that I couldn't go to the website I eventually bought the Samsung Q1 and just stopped using the Nokia all together.

Then came the third generation of the Nokia call the 810. The device looks so beautiful. The new keyboard puts this device in a whole new league. Several of my issues have been fixed. I can now watch youtube and I heard people can surf digg. Ereader can be installed with the new Palm emulator. So right now I want either a Nokia 810 or an Eeepc. But I think I might wait cause it sounds like the Eeepcs are going to get some significant upgrades in the future.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Ok I have to admit that I really want this device. It doesn't help that Kevin Tofel at has one and loves it. So a laptop computer for the low price of $399 isn't something new. There have been a few laptops that reached that price on black friday. But this one is small, I mean really small. One of the guys at my work has one and I was blown away by the size. I might get this device or I might not. I love tablet machines and this isn't one of them. I already have a laptop and don't really need a new one. I want a new Samsung Q1 but at this wonderful $399 price.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have thought up a new name for this website that goes along better with my interests in portable computers. I think after all this time I think I want a pad like device from Star Trek. It would pretty much be a large Iphone. I think the size would be 8.5x5.5 or somthing like that. I really want a 1024 width screen. But the thing I realized is that I want it cheap. I want a Samsung Q1 Ultra but it is too expensive and I had one before and it was fragile. I want something nice and light and cheap. Kinda like a large cell phone.

Maybe someday I will get my device but for now I wait for a 1024 width Asus Eeepc.